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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines and has been adapted to the article template.
  • Include a statement form that the manuscript is not being submitted to another journal, is original, and is free from plagiarism.

Author Guidelines

INTRODUCTION: Please read the Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture guidelines and follow these instructions carefully. Any manuscript that does not follow the guidelines will be returned for revision without a review process. The editor-in-chief has the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared according to these guidelines. Manuscripts must be submitted by the author via online submission. The language used for all articles can be written in clear and concise Indonesian and English. It is highly recommended to use a support tool like Grammarly.

AIMS AND SCOPE: The Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture Journal is a multidisciplinary journal that examines the phenomenon of agricultural systems in general, as well as interactions between fields of integrated and sustainable agriculture. These aspects can be applied by taking into account the resources, uniqueness, and local wisdom of each region. In addition, the openness of other study aspects is also welcomed as long as they can be applied in developing countries for the sake of agricultural progress. Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture includes studies that discuss integrated and sustainable agriculture (agriculture/livestock/fisheries/forestry) or studies in the following fields: (i) Agricultural cultivation technology; (ii) Agricultural conservation; (iii) Agricultural ecology; (iv) Permaculture; (v) Agricultural diversification; (vi) Agricultural quality and health; (vii) Control of pests and diseases; (viii) Agricultural climate; (ix) Agricultural social economy; and (x) Biodiversity.

MANUSCRIPT FORMAT: To prepare your manuscript, please download the Template. The entire manuscript must not exceed 20 pages. Manuscript electronic files must be submitted via online submission on the Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture journal page. Parts of the manuscript are written in the following order:


TITLE: The title should be short, clear, and informative. The title may not exceed 15 words and must reflect the contents of the manuscript, written in Indonesian and English.

AUTHOR: The author's name must appear immediately below the title, followed by the Author's affiliation and address. For more than one author, affiliation, and address details must be listed in the correct order. Each author's email address must be placed accordingly on the template.

ABSTRACT: Written in Indonesian and English. Abstracts should not exceed 200 words, provide a brief summary of the contents including a brief introduction, reasons for conducting the research, objectives, methods used, results, and discussion and conclusions. Don't include tables, complex equations, treatment symbols, or references in the abstract.

KEYWORDS: Four to six keywords should be provided for indexing and abstracting. Words or terms are written under the abstract; problem overview, discussed and written separately from general to specific. Keywords are the most dominant words discussed and become the substance of the article content.

INTRODUCTION: State the aim of the study and provide adequate background on the purpose of the study, avoiding a detailed survey of the literature or a summary of results.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Provide sufficient detail of the research work to allow reproducibility of the methods, whereby the methods used measure the resolution of the problem or study of the research. Describe the time and location of the research, materials, and tools used, and research methods. Published methods must be demonstrated by reference. The specific location must include a geographic information system. Only modifications relevant to the method should be clearly described.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results should be presented clearly and concisely. The discussion should explore the significance of the work's results to current conditions or the results of other studies, but not repeat these results. In the case of a large number of results, the results and discussion can be separated into results and discussion sub-chapters. Current references (five years of reference) are superior for supporting research findings over older references. It is highly recommended to show the novelty of the findings of the research conducted.

CONCLUSION: A conclusion section is needed. It contains the main points of the article but does not go back to them. It should not replicate the abstract but be able to outline significant results, possible applications, and extensions of work.

TABLES: Tables must be numbered and mentioned in the text. Please use commas (,) and periods (.) in all numbers correctly according to the correct writing rules. Most charts and tables are formatted to be one column wide or two columns wide. Avoid resizing images that are less than one column wide, as over-scaling can distort your images and result in poor reproduction. Therefore, we recommend that the image is slightly larger, as a small reduction in size will not affect the quality of the image.

IMAGES: Graphics and other graphic illustrations should be drawn in high contrast. Each image must be numbered as a Figure, given a clear caption, and mentioned in the text. Graphic images must be formatted and saved using a suitable graphics processing program that allows image creation as JPEG/TIFF, with a minimum image size of 300 dpi. Image quality is important for reproducing graphics. Poor-quality graphics cannot be upgraded.

PHOTOS: Photos with good contrast, both color and black and white, and related to text, must be given a title and a clear description in numbered figures. All photos must be mentioned in the text and accompanied by manuscripts in separate Microsoft Word files. Photographs and grayscale images must be set up at 300 dpi resolution and stored uncompressed, 8 bits per pixel (grayscale). Color graphics must be in the following formats: TIFF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF. RGB color TIFF file resolution must be 400 dpi. Provide high-quality hard copies or PDF proof of each image. If we are unable to achieve a satisfactory color match using an electronic version of your file, a hard copy of your file will be scanned by us.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Awards are recommended for people or organizations that have helped the author in many ways. Acknowledgments of sponsorship and financial support can be placed in this section. Use a single heading even if you have multiple acknowledgments.

REFERENCES: Minimum of 10 references; refers to the APA style 6th edition; arranged alphabetically according to the author's name; 80% of the last 5 years' publications; and 80% from primary reference sources, except certain science textbooks (mathematics, taxonomy, climate). To properly credit sources of information, please use a citation tool such as Mendeley or EndNote to create bibliographies, references, and in-text citations. Mendeley is a free reference manager which can be downloaded at mendeley.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.