About the Journal
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture (e-ISSN 3063-3583) is a multidisciplinary journal that examines agricultural system phenomena in general, as well as interactions between fields of knowledge through integrated and sustainable agriculture. The integration system includes agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, and forestry in general related to cultivation, technology, management, and social economy to realize agriculture with the goal of sustainable development. This journal is published by EDUPEDIA Publisher (AHU-0047972-AH.01.14 Year 2022) in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare.
The publication of the journal Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture is based on an open access policy, whereby the journal provides direct open access to its content on the principle of providing the public with free availability of research results and supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Focus, Aims, and Scope of the Journal
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture Journal is a platform to disseminate knowledge and innovation related to integrated and sustainable agricultural practices. The goal is to realize food security, environmental sustainability, and community welfare.
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture Journal is a multidisciplinary journal that examines the phenomenon of agricultural systems in general, as well as interactions between scientific fields through integrated and sustainable agriculture.
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture Journal has a mission to disseminate the results of studies covering agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and forestry in general related to cultivation, technology, management, and socio-economics which are the implementation of integrated agriculture and the realization of sustainable agricultural development.
These aspects can be applied by considering the resources, uniqueness, and local wisdom of each region. In addition, the openness of other aspects of this research is also welcomed as long as it can be applied in developing countries for agricultural progress.
This journal not only promotes integrated and sustainable agricultural practices, but also supports the development of more resilient and adaptive agricultural systems, improves understanding of the interactions between researchers, academics, communities, and the environment, encourages dialogue and cooperation between stakeholders, and strengthens research and education capacity in this field.
By publishing high-quality research articles, literature reviews, relevant case studies, and community service, Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture is committed to being a valuable resource for scientists, practitioners, and policymakers working to build a more sustainable agricultural future.
Integrated and Sustainable Agriculture includes reviews that discuss integrated and sustainable agriculture (agriculture/livestock/fisheries/forestry) or studies in the following fields:
- Agricultural cultivation technology
- Agricultural conservation
- Agricultural ecology
- Permaculture
- Agricultural diversification
- Agricultural quality and health
- Control of pests and diseases
- Agricultural climate
- Socio-economic agriculture
- Biodiversity
- Agricultural policy
- Community service for farmers, livestock breeders, and fishermen
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