International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education (IJMME) invites academics and researchers who do original research in the fields of Mathematics and Mathematics Education including but not limited to:

Mathematics other relevant fields will also be considered:

Pure Mathematics: Algebra, Number Theory, Geometry, Analysis, Topology, Logic, Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Graph Theory.

Applied Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, Dynamical Systems, Operational Research, Optimization, Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics, Computational Mathematics.

Statistics: Mathematical Statistics, Multivariate Statistics, Time Series Analysis & Forecasting,  Statistical Methods, Probability, Nonparametric Statistics, Circular Statistics, Spatial Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics.

Applied Statistics and Data Science: Big Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Statistical Modeling & Simulation, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Quality Control, Computational Statistics. 

Mathematics Education other relevant fields will also be considered:

Innovative Mathematics Teaching and Learning applying various approaches such as Realistic Mathematics Education, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Project based Learning, Problem Based Learning, and many others.

Mathematics Ability includes the following abilities: reasoning, connection, communication, representation, and problem-solving. A paper is eligible for this topic if it comprehensively discusses those abilities.

Technology and Media in Mathematics Teaching and Learning the advance of information and communication technology (ICT) has been the concern of all human life, including in education.

Assessment in Mathematics such as Mathematical Literacy, Critical Thinking, HOTS.

Design/Development Research in Mathematics Education includes the following abilities STEM, STEAM, Ethnomathematics.