International Journal of Contemporary Studies in Education (IJ-CSE) welcomes research articles from academics, educators, teachers, trainers and other practitioners on all aspects of education and learning to publish high quality papers. Papers for publication in this journal are selected through precise peer-review to ensure quality, originality, appropriateness, significance and readability. The journal is published three times a year, starting in 2022 in November and published by EDUPEDIA Publisher (AHU-0047972-AH.01.14 Tahun 2022).

Frequency March, July, and November
DOI Prefix 10.56855
e-ISSN 2963-0282
p-ISSN 2963-5993
Editor in Chief Nia Kania
Publisher EDUPEDIA Publisher
  KEMENRISTEKDIKTI Accreditation Process


Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024)

This issue (Volume 3 Number 3) has been available online (November 2023). All articles in this issue (8 research articles) cover 23 authors from 3 countries of origin (Indonesia; Nigeria, and Ghana).

Published: 2024-11-01

Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability Junior High School Students on Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables Material

Jihan Fadilla, Fitri Wulan Sari, Hafizah Auladina, Lilis Marina Angraini, Ebenezer Bonyah


Analysis of the Mathematical Reasoning Ability of Grade 8th Students on Triangular Materials

Elvi Leila Suheila Nasution, Lilis Marina Angraini, Indah Widiati, Sindi Amelia


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